unlawful towing in Texas

illegal towing in Texas

Has your vehicle, or that of someone you know, been towed by A-AArlington Abandoned Vehicle? They're also known as Straw-K, Inc. and they're located at: 714 E. Division Street Arlington, Texas 76002. Some folks have referred to them as AAArlington Towing.

Anyhow they don't want you to file a complaint with the government about them, as they have already been assessed various fines by the State Office of Administrative Hearings in Austin, Texas for unlawful towing practices (while the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation [TDLR] has been considering renewing its pursuit of suspending their license)... One can see for one's self what an increasingly checkered past that A-AArlington has by searching for the word "Straw" under "inquire by company name" at:


Would you like to make a difference by making sure that your complaint about A-AArlington Abandoned Vehicle is substantially more impactful? If so then please notify TDLR as soon as possible about their alleged transgression.

You may also feel free to fill out the following form as soon as possible to receive free consultations from others who are concerned about how this company still treats fellow victims of unlawful towing...

What is your name, please?

What is your e-mail address?

From what kind of parking facility was the vehicle towed?

Please let us know the address where the tow took place and also any other companies known to be involved:

Please tell us what happened, reasonably concisely explaining why the tow seemed illegal:

Would you like for your complaint to eventually be shared with the relevant governmental authorities?


What is the best phone # to use for following-up with you if your potential case seems to have merit and prompt action seems worthwhile?

If that form doesn't work for you, please feel free to e-mail us:

Help @ IllegalTowingInTexas. com
(with the [anti-spam] spaces omitted)

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